We leverage on our regional nature to bring value to our member districts.
We disseminate critical information, share stories and best practices of districts and clubs in the region, organize regional conference, offer learning and development sessions, provide platform for inter-country connection, and advocate for regional causes that align with the Rotary's areas of focus.
Regional Conference
Information Dissemination
Facilitating Multi-District Communication
Rotaractors can enjoy a wide-range of activities throughout the conference, offering a platform for Rotaract workshops for idea and cultural exchange and fellowship among Rotaractors. Rotaractors from around the world are welcome to participate in the conference.
Districts get the latest information from Rotary International and gain access to valuable regional data. With the help of the MDIO's communication platforms, Rotaractors get inspired from the projects and best practices of clubs and districts within the region.
Quarterly meetings of national and district Rotaract leaders provide a venue for discussion of common concerns, including Elevate Rotaract. The MDIO also helps connect districts for inter-district exchanges within and outside the Asia Pacific region. The MDIO also links Rotaract leaders to officers and support staff of Rotary International, its satellite offices, and the zones.
Twin Club Opportunities
Coming Soon: The MDIO will launch a platform that would make twin club connections and partnerships within the region easier. As Rotaract Clubs will soon be eligible to participate in The Rotary Foundation Global Grants, this platform could hopefully help you find potential international partners (required for Global Grants).
Learning and Development
Learning and development initiatives, such as trainings and eLearnings, help Rotaract leaders be updated with the latest policies and trends in club/district administration, membership engagement, and service project development and management.
Regional Causes
The MDIO supports the service goals of Rotary International, including the encouragement of Rotaractors to support The Rotary Foundation and End Polio. The MDIO also advocates for regional causes, especially those aligned with the Rotary's Areas of Focus.
JUL 2021
New Rotary Year
24-25 Asia Pacific Rotaract Leaders Summit

AUG 2021
Membership and New Club Development Month
28 1st Quarter Asia Pacific Rotaract Leaders Meeting and Learning Session

SEP 2021
Basic Education and Literacy Month

OCT 2021
Community Economic Development Month
4-5 RI Presidential Conference - Gyeongju, South Korea
24 World Polio Day and End Polio Now Online Campaign

NOV 2021
Rotary Foundation Month
20 2nd Quarter Asia Pacific Rotaract Leaders Meeting and Learning Session
26-27 RI Presidential Conference - Manila, Philippines

DEC 2021
Disease Prevention and Treatment Month
15 Last Day for Early Registration Discount for the 2022 Rotary International Convention

JAN 2022
Vocational Service Month
8 Opening of Registration for 19th Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference in Seoul, South Korea
16-20 Rotary International Assembly, Florida, USA

FEB 2022
Peace Building and Conflict Prevention Month
19 2nd Quarter Asia Pacific Rotaract Leaders Meeting and Learning Session
23 Rotary's Anniversary

MAR 2022
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Month
14-18 World Rotaract Week

APR 2022
Maternal and Child Health Month

MAY 2022
Youth Service Month
7 4th Quarter Asia Pacific Rotaract Leaders Meeting and Learning Session
21-22 18th Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference (Virtual)

JUN 2022
Rotary Fellowships Month
3-4 Presidential Conference, Houston, Texas, USA | Rotaract Preconvention
4-8 Rotary International Convention, Houston, Texas, USA